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Make the Most Out of ONS Bridge—Here’s Everything Attendees Need to Know

Thank you for your participation in ONS Bridge™. These tips and tricks will help you to make the most out of the virtual conference. 

Start by watching ONS Bridge 101 to get all the details about using the virtual platform, directly from the nurses who planned it.

Smiling Nurse

Access the Platform

You can access the virtual platform at with the same username and password you used to register for the event. More features will be available on September 10 when the virtual conference goes live, but you can start to get acquainted with the interactive platform and all that it can do so that you are well prepared for the event.

Build Your Schedule

Start planning for the live ONS Bridge dates by creating your personalized schedule in advance. To do so, use the Build My Schedule feature. Here, you'll be able to find the sessions you need to enhance your practice. 

All live sessions will be available to view as recorded sessions within 48 hours after their original run time so that you can quickly catch up on the latest education.

Don’t miss this year’s bonus networking day on September 11, featuring non-NCPD roundtable discussions where you can connect with peers and talk with experts on topics including certification, leadership, funding, and more. The roundtable discussion sessions will not be recorded for later viewing.

Visit the Learning Hub

Be sure to visit the virtual Learning Hub, available starting September 10, to explore download resources to take back to your practice. 

You’ll be able to search for companies by keywords, categories, and areas of interest. Don’t forget to visit ONS Corporate Council member exhibits throughout the conference! 

Visit booths in the Learning Hub each live day to complete different challenges for a chance to win prizes throughout the live conference dates.

Engage With Peers

ONS Bridge offers ways to connect with fellow attendees during this virtual experience. 

Join the discussion on the Discussion Board section of the platform by posting your questions or jumping into a conversation. You can also interact with attendees through the live sessions chat function and participate in Q&As to have your questions answered by our expert speakers.

Watch Recorded Sessions

Can’t attend on the live conference dates? Learn at your own pace via the Recorded Session Library, which is available through October 22, 2024. The recorded sessions library contains all educational sessions aired during the live conference. The roundtable discussions on September 11 will not be recorded. Sessions will be available in the recorded session library approximately 48 hours after their original live time.

Earn Your NCPD

To earn your NCPD contact hours, you must submit your evaluations by October 22, 2024. For full instructions on how to access and submit your evaluation, visit the Conference Evaluation section of ONS Bridge. 

If you have any questions or concerns about ONS Bridge, contact or visit the help center.