Qaseem, A., Snow, V., Shekelle, P., Casey, D.E., Jr., Cross, J.T., Jr, Owens, D.K., . . . Shekelle, P. (2008). Evidence-based interventions to improve the palliative care of pain, dyspnea, and depression at the end of life: A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 148, 141146.

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Purpose & Patient Population

Objectives were to

  • Present evidence that will contribute to the improvement of palliative care at the end of life.
  • Answer questions regarding critical elements.
  • Identify patients who could benefit from palliative approaches.
  • Identify treatment strategies that work for pain, dyspnea, and depression.
  • Identify elements important in advance care planning, collaboration and consultation, and assessment and support aspects helpful to caregivers.

Included were patients with any disabling or symptomatic condition at the end of life.

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

The guideline was based on a systematic evidence review, done by others, in an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evidence report. The guideline does not address nutritional support, complementary and alternative therapies, or spiritual support because evidence related to these areas does not often appear in the literature. Specific procedures for grading the evidence and recommendations are not described.

The guideline was developed for the Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the American College of Physicians. Evidence and recommendations were graded using the clinical practice guidelines grading system (GRADE).

Databases searched were MEDLINE and the Database of Abstract Reviews of Effects (January 1990–November 2005); citations from the review by the National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care (2003) also were searched.

Search keywords were cancer, congestive heart failure, and dementia. The full description of search terms is published elsewhere.

Results Provided in the Reference

The guideline outlines the strength of GRADE recommendations and includes a brief description of the supporting evidence for each recommendation.

Critical Elements for End-of-Life Care: Elements identified are preventing and treating pain and other symptoms; supporting families and caregivers; ensuring continuity of care; ensuring respect for patients as people and informed decision making; ensuring well-being, including consideration of existential and spiritual concerns; and supporting function and duration of survival.

Identifying Patients Who Could Benefit From Palliation: No evidence tools have been validated or effectively shown to predict optimal timing. Decisions should be based on each patient's symptoms and preferences.

Treatment Strategies:

  • Pain
    • Evidence is strong in support of the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, bisphosphonates, and radiotherapy or radiopharmaceuticals for pain, with bisphosphonates used for bone pain specifically.
    • Insufficient evidence exists to evaluate the usefulness of acupuncture or exercise for pain control.
    • Palliative care teams may be moderately beneficial in providing pain management.
  • Dyspnea
    • Evidence shows a valuable effect of morphine.
    • Nebulized opioids show no additional benefit over oral opioids.
    • Evidence regarding the use of oxygen is equivocal.
    • Studies that evaluated facilitated communication or palliative care consultation showed no effect.
  • Depression
    • Evidence suggests that long-term use of tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and psychosocial interventions are beneficial for patients with cancer who are depressed.
    • Evidence is mixed regarding the benefit of guided imagery and exercise in the defined patient population.
    • Evidence showed that care coordination had no effect.

Important Elements for Advance Care Planning: Evidence shows that extensive multicomponent interventions, goal-oriented interviews with palliative care providers, and proactive communication involving skilled discussants can reduce unnecessary services, without causing harm, and increase the use of advance directives.

Collaboration and Consultation: Use and patient-centered outcomes improve when multidisciplinary teams include nurses and social services providers, address care coordination, and use facilitated communication.

Supporting Caregivers: Evidence regarding the effects of palliative care teams for caregivers is mixed.

Guidelines & Recommendations

The following were graded as strong recommendations with moderate quality of evidence.

  • Patients with serious illness at the end of life should be regularly assessed for pain, dyspnea, and depression.
  • For patients with cancer, clinicians should use therapies with proven effectiveness to manage pain. These therapies include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, and bisphosphonates.
  • Clinicians should use therapies with proven effectiveness to manage dypsnea. These therapies include opioids (for unrelieved dyspnea) and oxygen (for the relief of short-term hypoxemia).
  • Clinicians should use therapies with proven effectiveness to manage depression in patients with cancer. These therapies include tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and psychosocial interventions.
  • Clinicians should ensure that advance care planning occurs for all patients with serious illness. Such planning includes the preparation of advance directives.


  • Several authors had grants from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or pharmaceutical companies.
  • Financial support for this guideline was entirely from the American College of Physicians.

Nursing Implications

The guideline provides clear guidance in several areas of end-of-life care and symptom management and identifies the relevant evidence and strength of the evidence. The guideline may not apply to all patients and is not intended to override clinical judgment. In addition to recommending medication interventions for depression, the guideline recommends psychosocial interventions.