National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (2015). NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Prevention and treatment of cancer-related infections [v. 2.2015]. Retrieved from

Purpose & Patient Population

PURPOSE: To provide an overview of risk categorization and recommended strategies for prevention of infections, and recommendations for empiric therapy, etc., in patients with signs or symptoms of infections
TYPES OF PATIENTS ADDRESSED: Adult and pediatric patients with cancer

Type of Resource/Evidence-Based Process

RESOURCE TYPE: Evidence-based guideline

DATABASES USED: Not provided

KEYWORDS: Not provided



Phase of Care and Clinical Applications

PHASE OF CARE: Multiple phases of care

Results Provided in the Reference

Not provided.

Guidelines & Recommendations

The guidelines recommends no prophylaxis for those with a low risk of infection; consideration of bacterial, fungal, and viral prophylaxis for intermediate risk (anticipated neutropenia 7–10 days), considerations of fluoroquinolone prophylaxis, antifungal prophylaxis until resolution of neutropenia, and viral prophylaxis during neutropenia in high-risk patients (e.g., anticipated neutropenia longer than 10 days, allogeneic HCT, acute leukemia induction or consolidation). It provides a recommended vaccination schedule for patients undergoing HCT, recommends annual influenza vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine to newly diagnosed patients based on individual assessment, and suggests fluoroquinolone prophylaxis in patients at high risk for mucositis.


  • Provides limited information about search strategies and evidence base
  • Most recommendations reported to be low quality evidence and high consensus

Nursing Implications

The guidelines provide general recommendations for prevention and management of infection, and useful algorythms for work up and management of signs and symptoms of infection by site.